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Our Story

Tej began his career as a jewellery polisher at the young age of 16 when he joined the family business. From observing older members of family and with a hands-on experience, he learned how to delicately handle his first pieces of jewellery, polishing them with such care and attention to the finer detail. Over some 10 years, Tej’s polishing skills exceeded expectations and were sought after by WestEnd boutique clients.

Based in the heart of London’s renowned jewellery district, Hatton Garden, and working closely with experienced craftsmen and suppliers of the trade, he developed the skills and knowledge to not only polish high quality pieces with precision and care but also to create them himself.
His first piece, emblematic to Tej’s talent and ressourcefulness, continues to represent his humble beginnings and creativity, 20 years on.

Tej’s keen eye for detail and passion for his work have propelled him to establish a sound reputation in The Garden and amongst tradesmen.
Using the resources to hand and his expertise, Tej creates unique and bespoke pieces of exceptional jewellery for his clients whilst making them a part of the intricate process and ensuring the delivery of his work is an experience beyond compare.

Our Mission

“Its more than just buying jewellery. It’s the experience of the journey, the power of the communication and fruition of simple ideas made great.”

At BDF we pride ourselves in the quality of our customer care as well as our work. We know how significant investing in jewellery can be and often these pieces are passed on to newer generations, adding further sentimental value. We take time to reassure all of our clients that we are here to serve you. Part of our mission is to keep you informed by maintaining communication at all stages of the production process and offering you glimpses of your jewellery with photographs. Our satisfaction comes from the materialization of your one-of-a-kind jewellery.

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